Our Statutes


The Kindergarten is:

A) a public organization which promotes the preservation and advancement of Estonian language and culture, and helps to rear children from 3 – 7 years old of Estonian national origin, who possess the knowledge of Estonian language,

B) a nonprofit organization, which supports itself (self-managing) on the cooperative principle with direct support from the parents of the children,

C) a subordinate organization of the Estonian Association of Toronto, according to its statutes.


1. The General Meeting.

A) The highest organ of the Kindergarten is the General Meeting. This meeting consists of the parents of the children attending the Kindergarten, where every family has one vote.

B) This general meeting has power to discuss and determine all matters of administering of the Kindergarten.

C) A general meeting could be regular or special. Regular meetings are held at least once a year (annual meeting) following the annual meeting of the Estonian Association of Toronto.Special meetings are called according to need.

A general meeting is called by the executive by a written notice, which is sent out at least two weeks prior to the meeting. This notice has to contain the agenda of the meeting.

A special meeting can also be called by one quarter of the parents who send their demand to the executive in written form.. The executive is obliged after receiving such a written demand, where are given points which prompt the request for a general meeting, to organize a general meeting within a month from the receipt of the request.

D) Into the jurisdiction of the general meetings belong in particular:

Final confirmation of people for the position of teachers, principal and his/her assistant.

Fixing of fees and teachers’ remuneration.

Changing of statutes.

Determination of programme according to the goals, but taking into consideration the stands of school council.Confirmation of the length of the school year.

Determination of the obligations of the parents.

Election of the executive and stipulation of their number.

Election of necessary commissions and officials and their certifications.

Decision to liquidate and disposal of property.

E) The general meeting is competent to pass resolutions regardless of the number of members in attendance. The meeting is presided by an especially elected chairman and mintues are taken by an elected secretary.Decisions are made by simple majority of votes, except liquidations, where 2/3 majority is required. In case of the same number of votes, decisive is the vote of the chairman. Voting will be open unless three of the parents request a secret ballot.

The minutes are entered into a specific minute-book. Votes are counted by elected vote counters.

2. The Executive.

A) The executive has the executive power of the Kindergarten. Under the jurisdiction of the executive belong all matters, which are not stipulated as being under the jurisdiction of the general meeting,

B) The executive is elected at the regular general meeting (annual meeting) for a one year term.The executive consists of at least four members. The chairman of the executive is elected separately by the general meeting. The other positions are determined at the first executive meeting.

The executive consists of chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and other members of the executive as determined by the general meeting.

The chairman presides, or in his/her absence, the vice-chairman. Minutes are taken by the secretary or in his/her absence, the executive elects a secretary for this meeting alone.

The executive is able to pass resolutions as long as one half plus one member of the executive is present. The executive decides by simple majority of vote. If votes are equal, the vote of the chairman is the deciding factor.

The minutes of the executive meetings are confirmed at the next meeting.

C) The principal of the Kindergarten belongs also in the executive with the right to speak and vote. When the principal is unable to attend, he/she is replaced by his/her aide (vice-principal), who is also elected by the executive. The principal or vice-principal is obliged to inform the school council of decisions concerning the council.

D) The specific obligation of the executive is:

To find a principal, a vice-principal, teachers and their aides, and if necessary, their replacements (substitutes) for Kindergarten, and if at all possible from among kindergarten teachers, educationalists or people who have experience in the educational field.

To find parents to act as monitors.

To obtain space and supplies according to needs and recommendations of school council.

E) The executive has the authority especially:

  1. To make economic spendings within the limits as authorized by the general meeting.
  2. To replenish new classes and widen activity according to needs, using their own judgement.
  3. To decide whether or not a child can be accepted in accordance with the goals set for this Kindergarten and to take into consideration the position of the school council.
  4. To appoint monitors through the elder of parents on duty.
  5. To organize closed and public undertakings, educational reports and lectures, which are in accordance with the activity of the Kindergarten.
  6. Within potentiality, promote teachers to develop and improve their education.

3. The school council and teachers.

A) The school council is the organ that carries out sessional work.

B) The school council includes the principal, vice-principal, all teachers and teachers’ aides, along with the chairman of the executive or his/her representative who is elected by the executive.The member of the executive has the right to speak and vote within the school council. The member of the executive is obliged to give an account of these meetings to the executive.

C) The school council has at least one meeting monthly during the school year. The school council is able to pass resolutions as long as one half of the council plus one member is present.

D) The school council meeting is presided over by the principal of the Kindergarten and in his/her absence, the vice-principal. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. If votes are equal the vote of the chairman is the deciding one.The minutes of the school council meetings are confirmed at the next meeting. The secretary’s duties include informing the absent teaching members of the council meeting decisions.

E) The school council and teachers are obliged to realize their educational work according to the goals of the Kindergarten, instructions of the general meeting, directions and curriculum.

F) The jurisdiction of the school council is specifically:

  1. to make recommendations to the executive about the suitability of children to join the Kindergarten – their development, their suitability with other children and their command of the Estonian language.
  2. to decide which class a child belongs in
  3. to make recommendations to the executive as to the study programme and the obtaining of supplies and additional accommodations.
  4. to work out general curriculum which agrees with the goals of the Kindergarten and in accordance with the general meeting’s instructions.

G) The teachers’ jurisdictions are:

  1. to make propositions to the school council about a child’s suitability to the Kindergarten.
  2. to make recommendations to the school council which class a child should belong in.
  3. to take part of the general meeting with the right to speak in case he/she has no right to vote.

H) Teachers are divided into two groups: teachers and assistant-teachers. A teacher’s duty is to work out and carry through the class curriculum in accordance with the school council approved general curriculum.An assistant teacher’s duty is to help the teacher with the carrying out of the curriculum under his/her guidance.

4. Connection with the Estonian Association of Toronto.

A) The Estonian Association of Toronto can appoint a representative to the Kindergarten, who has the right to take part of the general meeting and executive meeting with the right to speak and vote.

B) The executive presents the principal, vice-principal and teachers of the Kindergarten to the Estonian Association of Toronto for approval. The Estonian Association of Toronto can, through a written motivation, refuse approval of a principal or teacher, and demand the presentation of a new candidate. If no agreement is reached, this problem will go to the general meeting for resolution. This general meeting has to be held within four weeks of receiving a note from the executive of the Estonian Association of Toronto.

5. Parents

A) Parents form the general meeting of the Kindergarten.

B) The duties of a parent are:

  1. To register a child for at least one half year to warrant continuous and hinderless work. If necessary, the executive can make exemptions where there are weighty reasons.
  2. To pay tuition fees at least one month in advance.
  3. To help with parent duty as monitors according to instructions.
  4. To help in keeping supplies in order and help to repair them – the parents are meeting according to need.

C) The privileges of a parent are:

  1. To take a child out of the Kindergarten with a notice of one month in advance; the rest of paid tuition fees are refunded.
  2. To make recommendations regarding educational questions connected with the activity of the Kindergarten. Recommendations have to be made to the principal.

6. Auditing

The auditing of the Kindergarten financial data and performance is done by the auditors of the Estonian Association of Toronto. The fiscal year ends on August 31st.